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Viewing appointment: tips & tricks for buyers and sellers

Dominik Rapacki
CEO @meetergo
2 minutes reading time
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ntroduction to the visit

The purpose of a viewing appointment is to gain an impression of a property. Whether it is an apartment, a house or another building is unimportant. However, it is important that the appointment is well prepared and that you, as the interested party, have the opportunity to ask all the questions that are on your mind.

Although a mass inspection can be efficient, individual appointments usually make more sense. This way, you can take your time and examine the property closely. It is also advisable to take an expert with you, especially when it comes to the condition of the building.

Ask the landlord or real estate agent for the exact details of the rent and utilities. Ask about the location of the rooms and whether there is a basement. Ask about the right to sublet and whether pets are allowed. Inquire about possible defects in the apartment or house. Ask about the Schufa report and if there are any other requirements for tenants. Also inquire if the property is also available for purchase and if so, what the terms are.

What should you wear to the viewing appointment? It depends on what kind of property it is and how formal the appointment is. As a general rule, however, dress appropriately and comfortably. Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight or high heels - after all, you want to view the property in peace and not stand on your feet.

The viewing appointment is an important opportunity to get an impression of a property. Use the opportunity, ask questions and get an idea of the condition of the building. When you have all the information, you can better decide whether the object is suitable for you or not.

Why it's important to understand the survey process and etiquette

A viewing appointment offers interested parties the opportunity to see the property in person.

An inspection of the potential new home is an important step in the real estate buying process. It gives prospective buyers the opportunity to see the property firsthand and get an idea of the location, size and condition of the house or apartment. While photos and videos online can be helpful in getting an idea of how the property will look, nothing beats a personal tour.

It is important to note that a mass viewing is not always the best option. If many people are visiting the house or apartment at the same time, it can be difficult to get a good impression of the condition of the property. It can also be difficult to ask questions of the agent or owner and focus on details such as damage to walls or floors.

Surveyors can help assess the condition of the property during inspections.

If you are interested in a house or apartment and have concerns about its condition, it may be wise to consult an appraiser. An appraiser can help you determine the true value of the property as well as uncover any problems with structural or plumbing issues. Some buyers even hire multiple appraisers for different aspects of the property.

Interested parties should make an early effort to schedule a showing to express their interest in the property.

If you are interested in a particular house or apartment, you should make an early effort to schedule an appointment to see it. This way, you can ensure that you have an opportunity to see the property in person and ask questions. If there are many interested parties, it can be difficult to get an appointment. By making an early effort, you can show your interest in the property and increase your chances.

Overall, viewing a potential new home in person is an important step in the real estate buying process. It gives buyers the opportunity to see the property firsthand and ask questions. If there are concerns about the condition, it may be wise to bring in an appraiser. By seeking an appointment early, buyers can ensure they have an opportunity to see the property in person and increase their chances of making the purchase.

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Preparation and checklist for buyer and seller/landlord during a viewing appointment

The best time to view an apartment is during the day to make the most of the daylight.

If you would like to view an apartment, you should allow enough time for this. A viewing appointment should last at least an hour so that you can grasp everything important. It is also important to visit during the day to take advantage of the natural light and get a better impression of the apartment.

When viewing an apartment, you should also pay attention to the energy certificate. This provides information about the energy efficiency of the building and can help you to better estimate possible energy costs. If the energy certificate is not available or is out of date, you should ask the seller/landlord about it and request further information if necessary.

It can also be helpful to conduct an inspection in bad weather. This can reveal possible weak spots such as moisture or mold. If it is raining or storming outside, you should also check the gutters and drains.

The ideal time to visit an apartment also depends on the environment. If the apartment is located in a busy area, it may make sense to visit it at different times of the day. This way you can get a better impression of noise pollution or traffic problems.

If the apartment is considered a dream property and meets all the criteria, don't be afraid to make several appointments. This way you can ensure that you make the right decision and do not overlook any important details.

Overall, it is important to create a checklist for the viewing. This can help you keep track of all the important aspects of the apartment and surrounding area. Some items that should be on your list are:

  • Check the condition of the windows and doors.
  • Test the heating and air conditioning.
  • Look for possible damage to walls or floors.
  • Check the water pressure in the kitchen and bathroom.
  • Explore the surroundings at different times of the day.

A checklist can help you visit more effectively and not overlook any important details. If you follow these tips, you can be sure that your apartment viewing will be a success!

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How do I get a viewing appointment booked?

To simplify the appointment booking process, it is worth using an online appointment booking system such as meetergo.

Preparation is the key

Before you make an appointment to view the property, find out more about it in advance. Research online or talk to the agent to find out important details such as the price, location and size of the property. Ask specific questions at the meeting to make sure all your requirements are met. Good preparation can help you save time and energy.

Punctuality is important

It is important to arrive on time for your viewing appointment. Arrive early enough to allow enough time for a thorough viewing. It is also a good idea to find out the location of the meeting place beforehand and plan for possible traffic problems. If you are running late or have to cancel the appointment, let the broker know as soon as possible.

Take notes

During the viewing appointment, you should take notes. Write down important details such as the condition of the property and any defects. Make sure all relevant information has been obtained and ask for more details as needed. Writing down notes will help you decide later if the property meets your needs.

Be attentive

During the inspection, pay attention to details such as the condition of the property and possible defects. Take photos or videos of areas that need your attention. Make sure all your questions have been answered and ask for more details as needed.


Present yourself in a polite and friendly manner to make a good impression. Be open-minded and ask specific questions to make sure all your requirements are met. If possible, bring a trusted person with you to help you make a decision.

After the viewing appointment, take your time to decide if the property meets your requirements. Consider carefully and compare the property with other properties in the area. If necessary, schedule additional viewings or talk to the agent about alternative options.

Preparation is key to a successful viewing appointment. Arrive on time and take notes during the meeting. Be attentive to details such as the condition of the property and present yourself in a polite and friendly manner. Take plenty of time to think about the property decision.

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The ideal time to visit the apartment

Announcement of the inspection of the apartment: How far in advance?

It is important that you give potential tenants enough time to prepare for the viewing. A lead time of two to three days is usually sufficient. However, if you want to have several appointments in one day or if your apartment is in high demand, you can also announce a week in advance.

Number of visits: How many are necessary?

Usually, two to three viewings are sufficient to make a decision. However, it may happen that a tenant visits several apartments and is still not sure. In this case, you should give him enough time and possibly arrange further appointments.

Important points when choosing a property

When choosing a property, there are some important points to consider. For example, you should pay attention to whether the apartment or house meets your needs and whether there is enough space for your family. The location and the surroundings also play an important role. Therefore, check carefully whether there are shopping facilities nearby and how good the connection to public transport is.

Avoid mistakes during visits

A common mistake during viewings is to be influenced by external circumstances and not pay attention to the important points. For example, a beautiful view or modern furnishings can cause people to overlook deficiencies. The energy certificate should also not be disregarded, as it provides information about how energy-efficient the building is.

Other important points during an apartment inspection are the daylight and the noise level. Make sure that there is enough light in the apartment and that it is not too noisy. Also a look at the condition of the house or apartment and possible defects should not be missing.

In summary, there are several points that should be considered during a viewing appointment. By paying specific attention to the most important points and giving potential tenants enough time to make a decision, you can ensure that your property becomes the property of your dreams.

Viewing a new apartment: This is what you should consider

Buyers should learn about the property and prepare questions before the viewing appointment.

Before you visit a new apartment, be sure to prepare well. An important preparation is to inform yourself about the property in advance. For example, you can study the floor plan or look at photos of the apartment. This will give you a first impression of the layout and size of the rooms.

In addition, you should also obtain information about the location. What are the public transport connections like? Are there shopping facilities nearby? Information about the neighborhood can also be helpful in finding out whether the residential area meets your needs.

Another important preparation is to prepare questions for the viewing appointment. Think carefully in advance which aspects are important to you and which questions you would like to ask. This way you will avoid forgetting anything important during the appointment.

A seller/landlord checklist can help make the viewing appointment effective.

Sellers or landlords should also prepare well for the viewing appointment. A helpful method for this is to create a checklist. This can help ensure that all relevant points are addressed during the appointment.

The checklist could include the following items, for example: The apartment should be thoroughly cleaned and tidy. Any defects should be remedied in advance to make the best possible impression. Setting aside personal items can also help so that visitors can better imagine what it would be like to live in the apartment.

In addition, a plan for the course of the appointment should also be drawn up. How long should the appointment last? Who will guide the prospective buyers through the apartment? A clear structure can help ensure that the appointment runs effectively and smoothly.

Sellers/landlords should thoroughly clean the property and correct any deficiencies prior to the viewing appointment.

Another important point is to ensure that the property is in as good a condition as possible before the viewing appointment. This includes not only a thorough cleaning of the rooms, but also the repair of any defects.

This may include, for example, broken tiles or defective lamps. Minor repairs should also be taken care of in advance. In this way, you avoid potential buyers or tenants getting a bad impression of the apartment.

Applicants should arrive on time for the viewing appointment and conduct themselves in a courteous and respectful manner.

As an applicant for a new apartment, there are also a few things to keep in mind. For example, you should make absolutely sure to be on time for the agreed appointment. Lateness can quickly leave a bad impression.

In addition, it is important to behave politely and respectfully. Even if you might be a little disappointed or have questions during the appointment, you should always remain friendly. After all, you want to

Tips for a successful viewing appointment

Understanding the survey process can help save time and energy.

When you are visiting a house or apartment, it is important to understand how the process works. This can help you save time and energy and make sure you get all the important information. Before you go to the viewing appointment, learn about the property. Look at photos and read the landlord or seller's description carefully.

During the inspection, you should take notes and ask questions. It is also important to pay attention to details. For example, check the windows and doors for proper operation and check the condition of the floors and walls.

Thorough preparation for the viewing appointment can help ensure that important questions are asked and all relevant information is obtained.

Thorough preparation for the viewing appointment can help you ask important questions and ensure that you get all the relevant information. Before you go to the appointment, make a list of questions that will help you find out more about the property.

Questions could be:

  • What are the monthly utility costs?
  • Are there parking spaces nearby?
  • How old are the appliances in the kitchen?
  • Has the object been renovated?

It is also important to make sure that all the necessary documentation is in place. For example, if you plan to bring pets, you should make sure that this is allowed. If you need a guarantor to sign the lease, you should take care of this in advance.

Understanding etiquette can also help you avoid potential pitfalls and gain the trust of the landlord or salesperson.

It is important to follow the etiquette at the viewing appointment. This can help you avoid potential pitfalls and gain the trust of the landlord or seller. Be on time for the appointment and dress appropriately. Show interest in the property and ask polite questions.

It is also important to be respectful with the landlord or seller. If you are interested in the property, you can express this and ask if it is possible to have a second viewing or request more information.

Knowing the etiquette can also help build a positive relationship with the landlord or vendor, which can be beneficial in the future.

If you can follow etiquette at the viewing appointment and build a positive relationship with the landlord or seller, it can be beneficial in the future. For example, if there are problems with the apartment or if repairs are needed, the landlord will be more willing to accommodate you if he finds you trustworthy and respectful.

It is also possible that the landlord or seller may make other properties available in the future or assist you with other matters. So a positive relationship with the landlord or seller can be beneficial in the long run.

Overall, it is important to prepare for the viewing appointment and etiquette

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Questions for the landlord or broker

Online search: Use online platforms such as ImmobilienScout24 to find suitable apartments and arrange a viewing appointment directly.

The search for a new apartment can often be tedious and time-consuming. A good way to quickly find a suitable apartment is to use online platforms such as ImmobilienScout24. There you can search for apartments specifically and narrow down your search criteria. Once you have found an interesting apartment, you can arrange a viewing appointment with the landlord or agent directly via the platform.

However, before you make an appointment, you should think about what questions you want to ask. Find out in advance about the location of the apartment as well as the connection to public transportation. Also ask about the utilities and whether they are already included in the stated rent. If a cellar or storage room is important to you, ask about its availability.

By phone: Call the landlord or broker and arrange a viewing appointment by phone.

Another possibility to arrange an appointment for a viewing is the telephone call with the landlord or real estate agent. Here, initial questions can already be clarified and there is the possibility to directly arrange an appointment for a viewing.

Make sure to remain friendly and polite. Ask specific questions about the apartment and find out about important details such as the deposit or any Schufa information. Here, too, it is important to be well prepared in advance and to inform yourself about the apartment and the landlord or agent.

Email: Email the landlord or broker and ask for an appointment to view the property. Be sure to include your contact information.

A third way to arrange a viewing appointment is to write an e-mail to the landlord or agent. This gives you the opportunity to calmly formulate all questions and specifically address certain points.

Be sure to write politely and in a friendly manner. Ask specific questions about the apartment and include your contact details. Find out in advance about important details such as the rent, ancillary costs and any defects or legal aspects.

Viewing apps: Use special apps such as "Mietwohnung" or "ImmoScout24" to arrange viewing appointments.

Another way to arrange a viewing appointment quickly and easily is to use special apps such as "Mietwohnung" or "ImmoScout24". Here you can search specifically for apartments and contact the landlord or agent directly.

Here, too, you should be well prepared in advance and ask specific questions. Find out about the location of the apartment and the connection to public transportation. Also ask about the ancillary costs and whether they are already included in the stated rent. If a cellar or storage room is important to you, ask about its availability.

Documents: Checklist, which documents do I need?

Before the viewing appointment, you should make a detailed plan.

Before you start looking for a new apartment, you should make a plan in advance. First of all, you should consider what criteria are important to you when looking for an apartment. For example, do you want to live in a certain area or have a certain number of rooms? Once you have determined your priorities, you can start researching and create a list of apartments that meet your requirements.

You should ask yourself important questions about the apartment in advance.

When it comes to viewing an apartment, it's important to ask yourself important questions in advance. For example: What are the utility costs? Are there parking spaces nearby? What are the transport connections like? Are pets allowed? By clarifying these questions in advance, you can ensure that you receive all relevant information during the viewing appointment and do not forget any important details.

During the viewing appointment you should be attentive and pay attention to all the details.

During the viewing appointment you should pay attention to all the details. Pay attention to the condition of the apartment and whether there are any defects. Also look at the staircase and check the condition of the building as a whole. If possible, talk to other residents of the building and ask them about their experience with the landlord or property management.

You should also pay attention to the environment of the apartment.

In addition to the apartment itself, you should also pay attention to the surroundings. What is the neighborhood like? Are there shopping facilities nearby? What are the transport connections like? If you have a car, for example, you should pay attention to whether there are enough parking spaces. The presence of green spaces or recreational opportunities can also be an important factor.

It's important that you don't let yourself be pressured or make any rash decisions.

It is important that you take your time when deciding on an apartment and do not let yourself be pressured. Get all the documents you need (e.g. self-disclosure) and take your time to consider whether the apartment meets your requirements. If you are unsure or still have questions, do not hesitate to contact the landlord.

After the viewing appointment, you should carefully weigh all impressions and information.

After the viewing appointment, you should carefully weigh all impressions and information. Review your notes and think carefully about whether the apartment meets your requirements. If yes, you can apply and submit all the necessary documents. If no, the search continues - but with the experience you've gained, you'll be well prepared!

The proper farewell and behavior during the visit

Viewing an apartment is an important step in finding a new place to live. But what is the right way to behave during an apartment viewing? One aspect that is often overlooked is saying goodbye at the end of the appointment. A polite and professional farewell can leave a positive impression on the landlord.

Thank you for the visit

It is important to thank them for the opportunity to visit and express interest in the apartment. A short

Conclusion: Summary of the main points

Overall, understanding the viewing process and etiquette is essential to successfully finding a new home. Both buyers and sellers/landlords need to prepare for the appointment and work through a checklist to ensure everything goes smoothly. It is important to know how to book a viewing appointment and when the ideal time is.

During the viewing appointment, buyers or renters should take care to thoroughly examine all important aspects of the apartment and ask questions of the landlord or agent. Appropriate behavior during the appointment as well as when saying goodbye is also crucial.

To successfully find a new place to live, you should also bring the right documents. Do not forget to compile them in advance.

In summary, a successful viewing appointment requires preparation and knowledge of the process and etiquette. With our tips, you can be sure that you are well prepared and your search for a new apartment will be a success!

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