DSGVO konform
Neu: tl;dv Integration

Do you care about your data? We do too.

As soon as you host data with a large corporation, it is evaluated, analyzed - and perhaps even copied. Did you know that the idea for Google Maps came from a German start-up?
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Data protection and ethics

With us, you are the customer and not the product. That's why we protect all data and store it securely in Germany. This offers you another advantage: We don't have to grant the FBI access to your data - unlike US providers.

That's why your data is safe with us

Our tools are compliant with the GDPR and do not set cookies. You don't need additional cookies because of us.
Server in Frankfurt
All data is stored on our servers in Frankfurt (data centers certified according to ISO 27001).
You can easily conclude the data processing agreement with us in the tool.
All data is end-to-end encrypted (RSA-2048 and AES-256).
Penetration Testing
We perform regular penetration testing.
SSL certificate
Of course, we use an SSL certificate.
If your company has special security requirements, we can incorporate them.
It is not possible for you to choose an insecure password with us.
Our team is trained in data protection and knows the ropes.

Communication has never been this easy

Get in touch with people easier and faster and have all relevant data at hand.
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