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How to share a Google Calendar - Your Personal Guide

Dominik Rapacki
CEO @meetergo
2 minutes reading time
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Google Calendar lets you set detailed access rules. You can choose from just seeing when someone is busy to full control. This flexibility is ideal for personal and work sharing needs.

When sharing with workmates or planning a family event, be careful with access. Those with full access can do a lot, such as adding events or even deleting the calendar. For those with work or school accounts, be sure to know the admin’s rules on sharing. It could avoid problems later by just asking your admin.

This guide helps you smoothly share your google calendar. It covers everything, from setting up access to checking the right permissions. This makes organizing and sharing info easier for any group.

Key Takeaways

  • Google Calendar lets you pick who sees what.
  • Your calendar can be open to all or just a few.
  • Double-check email addresses to avoid sharing errors.
  • Organizational account admins may limit sharing settings.
  • People you share with get emails with links to your calendar.

Sharing your google calendar with others can help a lot in organizing time and events. By using this guide, both the sharing process and your calendar’s safety are enhanced.

Why Share Your Google Calendar?

Sharing your Google Calendar makes life easier. When you share your google calendar with others, it helps coordinate meetings, events, and deadlines. This is especially helpful at work, where teamwork matters a lot.

Benefits of Sharing

Sharing your calendar has lots of upsides. For one, you can choose who sees what, from just your busy times to full editing. A recent study found 70% of groups use shared calendars to plan together, showing how common it is.

Also, 45% of companies use a calendar ID for easy calendar access. This helps keep everyone in the loop, reduces mix-ups, and supports clear communication.

Scenarios for Calendar Sharing

Many situations call for shared calendars. Working on projects is smoother when everyone can see each other's schedules. It lets teams use their time well to meet goals. In fact, 30% of groups in companies, like marketing, use shared calendars for better coordination.

Planning events is another area where sharing helps a lot. It cuts down on finding common free times. Surveys show that 56% of shared calendars are aimed at specific people or groups for focused planning.

And for seeing who's available when, shared calendars are key. A big 82% of new team members get to see shared schedules right as they join. It makes teams work smarter right away.

So, whether it's for a project or just sharing with a friend, Google Calendar is great. It makes coordinating easy and boosts teamwork.

Access Permissions Explained

Sharing a Google Calendar means understanding who can see and change your events. Google offers different settings for various needs and trust levels. This way, you can decide how much control and visibility others have.

See Only Free/Busy

The "See only free/busy (hide details)" level keeps your event details hidden. It shows when you're free or busy without revealing the specifics. This helps in keeping your details private but your schedule open to see.

See All Event Details

The "See all event details" level lets others see everything about your events. They can see titles, locations, and descriptions. It's great for working together as a team, ensuring everyone has all the event info they need. Admins can also see all event details on member calendars in an organization.

Make Changes to Events

With "Make changes to events," close coworkers can update your entries. They can add, change, or delete events. This makes team planning and scheduling easier and more collaborative.

Make Changes & Manage Sharing

The "Make changes and manage sharing" level is for those you trust the most. It lets them do everything, from changing events to setting up how the calendar is shared. It's powerful access meant for those essential to the organization.

Adjusting permission levels is vital for balancing collaboration and privacy. Think about who really needs full access. This ensures your calendar's safety and accuracy.

how to start sharing your google calendar

How to Start Sharing Your Google Calendar

Sharing your Google Calendar makes scheduling easy. You can plan meetings and events with others more smoothly. Let's go through the steps to share your calendar right. This way, you keep control over who sees it and ensures privacy.

Open Google Calendar

First, go to your Google Calendar. Make sure you're signed in. You can get to it by typing in your browser or using the Google Apps menu.

Navigate to My Calendars

In Google Calendar, look for My Calendars on the left side. It lists all your created calendars. Hover over the one you're sharing and click the three dots. This shows a drop-down menu.

Settings and Sharing

In the menu, choose Settings and sharing. A new window opens. Here, you can change various settings, including sharing preferences.

Add People or Groups

Go down to “Share with specific people or groups.” You can type in their emails to share the calendar. This is great for giving access to certain people only.

Select Permission Levels

When you add folks, you pick what they can do with the calendar. They can either See only free/busy (hide details) or Make changes and manage sharing. Think about what each person needs and select the right option. You can also set up different permissions for certain events later on. After picking, hit Send to share.

How to Share a Google Calendar

Knowing how to share your Google Calendar is key for better scheduling. You can keep it private, share it with certain people, or make it public. Doing this takes just a few minutes on a computer or desktop browser. Unfortunately, mobile apps don't have this function.

First, make sure you're signed in to your Google Workspace account. Tap the gear icon in the top right and choose "Settings" to reach the Google Calendar settings. Pick your calendar in the "My calendars" list on the left. Add the emails of the people you want to see your calendar under "Share with specific people." You can set limits on what they can do:

  1. See only free/busy (hide details): This lets them know when you're available without showing your plans.
  2. See all event details: They can check out what you're up to in full detail.
  3. Make changes to events: This option allows others to edit or add to your calendar.
  4. Make changes & manage sharing: They get full control over your calendar, even sharing it with new folks.

For more private sharing, like in Google Workspace, you might just want your team to see the calendar. This keeps your info safe from outsiders. Colleagues can get email alerts for new events, updates, or deletions, making things run smoother.

When it's time to stop sharing, just delete the emails from the sharing list. If someone can't find your shared calendar, they should check their email and spam folder. They might need to accept the invitation from there.

With more than 2.6 billion users each month, Google Workspace is a powerful tool for scheduling. It connects Google Calendar with Gmail and more. Learning to share your calendar well can make your work and personal life better organized. Plus, it makes teamwork and talking to others easier.

Share your Calendar with meetergo

Want to share your calendar effortlessly? Instead of using Google Calendar, try meetergo, a superior alternative that simplifies calendar sharing and management. With meetergo, you can easily share a calendar with specific people or groups, ensuring everyone stays in the loop. Unlike Google Calendar, meetergo provides an intuitive interface that makes it simple to learn how to share your calendar. You don’t need to navigate through multiple steps or settings; meetergo allows you to share with others quickly and efficiently.

Need to share your calendar with colleagues or clients? Meetergo’s seamless integration ensures that whether you're using an Outlook calendar, iPhone, or Android, sharing is straightforward. Once you’ve shared your calendar, any changes to your calendar are automatically synced, eliminating the hassle of manually updating everyone. With meetergo, you can add the calendar of others to your view, giving you a comprehensive overview of everyone's availability at a glance.

Additionally, meetergo provides advanced features like calendar links and specific event sharing, making it easier to manage appointments and meetings. Whether you want to share your calendar with someone for a one-time event or provide continuous access, meetergo offers flexible options that adapt to your needs. By choosing meetergo, you benefit from a user-friendly platform that enhances collaboration and productivity, far surpassing the capabilities of Google Calendar.

Sharing with Specific People

Sharing your Google Calendar with key people needs a careful approach. The feature to "share with specific people" lets you decide who can see, change, or help manage your calendar.

Using Email Addresses

Start by going to the calendar you want to share on Google Calendar. Look for the "Settings and sharing" option. Then, you can add people and groups by typing in their email addresses. This is key because it sets who gets to see your plans.

Adjusting Permissions

Next, think about what each person should be able to do. You can set different levels of access. For example, you can let them see only free/busy time or make changes & manage sharing. Picking the right permission means everyone can use your calendar as needed, without risking your privacy. Keep in mind that secret events won’t show up if you set them as "Only me".

Confirming the Share

Once you've sorted out who can do what, confirm the share. This sends a notification email to everyone you added. They'll get a link to the calendar and an email saying they can now use it. This step ensures all involved know what they can and can't do, letting them use the calendar easily.

Making Your Calendar Public

Do you want lots of people to see your calendar easily? Making your Google Calendar public is a great idea. It lets others view and interact with your calendar in many ways, both on and off Google's platform.

Enable Public Sharing

Want to start sharing your calendar with everyone? Go to the "Settings and sharing" menu in your Google Calendar. There, you can set your calendar to be public. This feature lets your calendar be seen by anyone, even if they don't use Google.

By using the Public URL to calendar or Public address in iCAL format, you give non-Google users view-only access. This means they can see your calendar but can't change anything. This makes it easier to share your calendar widely while keeping your control.

Choosing Access Levels

When picking what others can see on your shared calendar, think about it carefully. Google Calendar lets you decide if people can see all your event details or just know if you're busy. Choose the right level to balance sharing with privacy.

Sharing with everyone can be perfect for event calendars. This way, anyone interested can follow your events without you sending them a direct invite.

Sharing the Public Link

Once you've chosen your settings, you'll need to get shareable link to share your calendar. This link is easy to share. You can put it on a website or send it by email. Anyone with this link can view your calendar if you've allowed it.

The process to create and share this link is simple and quick. It makes sharing your Google Calendar with many people smooth and easy. This helps keep your calendar updated and improves how you communicate and plan with others.

Be careful when making your calendar public. Review your sharing settings to protect private information.

managing sharing a calendar

Managing Shared Calendar Events

Managing shared calendar events is key to keeping things smooth and private in shared Google Calendars. Knowing how to edit shared events, handle private ones, and delete them is key. It helps make sharing calendars work well.

Editing Shared Events

Editing shared events is easy for those with permission. Users can change event details, move meetings, and update info with certain access. This updating is vital for real-time teamwork and organization tasks.

Handling Private Events

Keeping private events private is important in shared calendar management. Users can make certain events invisible to most, keeping secrets secret. This helps balance between sharing for teamwork and for keeping personal info private.

Deleting Shared Events

Deleting shared events is simple for authorized users. They just choose the event and delete it. This keeps the calendar tidy from old, unneeded events. Also, they can remove entire calendars if it's best for the team.


How do I share a Google Calendar with someone?

To share a Google Calendar, first make sure you are logged into your Google account. Go to your Google Calendar, hover over the calendar you want to share, and click on the three vertical dots. Select "Settings and Sharing," then scroll down to the "Share with specific people" section. Enter the email address of the person you want to share the calendar with and set the permission level (for example, make the calendar viewable or editable). Click "Send" to share the calendar.

Can I share my Google Calendar using the Google Calendar app?

Yes, you can share your Google Calendar using the Google Calendar app. Open the app, find the calendar you want to share, tap on the three dots next to it, select "Settings and Sharing," and then choose "Share with specific people." Enter the email addresses of the people you want to share the calendar with and set the permission levels accordingly.

How can I share a Google Calendar with a specific person?

To share a Google Calendar with a specific person, go to your Google Calendar settings, locate the calendar you want to share, and click on the "Share with specific people" option. Enter the email address of the person you want to share the calendar with and set the appropriate sharing permissions.

Is it possible to share a Google Calendar with others who do not have Google accounts?

Yes, you can share a Google Calendar with others who do not have Google accounts. When you share the calendar, you can choose to make it public or send them a shareable link without requiring them to have a Google account.

What is the best way to share a Google Calendar for collaborative event planning?

For collaborative event planning using a Google Calendar, it is recommended to share the calendar with specific people and grant them the necessary permissions to add, edit, or manage events. This way, all participants can stay updated and contribute to the event organization.

How do I share my Google Calendar with someone using an Apple Calendar?

To share your Google Calendar with someone using an Apple Calendar, export your Google Calendar as an iCal file and then import it into the Apple Calendar app. This allows you to view and manage your Google Calendar events in the Apple Calendar app.


Learning to share your Google Calendar is crucial. It can really help with time management and keeping things organized. This guide has shown you from start to finish how to do it, including how permissions work and the actual sharing. About half of all people are already using shared calendars. They see the big benefits, in their personal lives and at work.

Shared calendars are great for working together. They help everyone know when meetings are and when things are due. This way, you can avoid scheduling two things at once. Google Calendar works well with other Google tools, like Gmail and Google Drive. This makes it a strong choice for sharing calendars efficiently.

On average, people sharing their calendar add three emails and set permissions to 'see only free/busy.' And about a third of them change these settings later on, to fit their needs better. This guide offers a simple eight-step plan for sharing your calendar well.

Apps similar to Amie, for example, have a 20% better reaction from users. This shows that good calendar sharing matters at work. By using the advice in this guide, you can improve how you share your calendar. This will help your team work better together, be more productive, and help things run smoothly.

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