DSGVO konform
Neu: tl;dv Integration

Double your conversion rate

Let meetergo do the hard work for you - qualify, route and book instantly using your existing form.
Marketing, Sales & CS united.
Qualify Leads in real time on your website or through inbound/outbound campaigns and close deals 43% faster, while ensuring a seamless transition to Customer Success.
Engagement Analysis
Digital Deal Room
Real-Time Qualification
CRM Sync
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Simplify your daily scheduling
meetergo is your automation platform for appointment scheduling, saving you the back-and-forth email exchanges to find the perfect meeting time - and much more.
Automated Follow Ups
Website Embed Options
1 Click Templates
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Plan office hours in seconds.
By integrating with multiple calendars, meetergo enables easy and fast appointment scheduling for schools or universities. The highest security standards are already integrated.
Buffer times
Calendar Sync
Multiple Locations
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Scheduling appointments has never been easier.
Whether it's municipal administration or citizen service offices, with meetergo, efficient and secure appointment management is guaranteed. For government agencies, the time savings and data privacy provided by meetergo are the perfect combination.
Multiple Calendars
Role Management
Holiday Coverage
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Double your inbound converison rate

cookie frei

Connect leads with a salesperson in seconds

Fewer Emails needed per appointment
average response time for a demo request
qr codes
kalendar icon

Increase your pipeline from your paid campaigns - not just clicks

Calendar integrations
1-Click Booking
in Emails

Get in touch immediately &close more deals today

meetergo icon
Try free now
No credit card necessary & GDPR compliant

Automate your entire appointment process and secure follow ups

more follow-ups
1 Click
Templates to get started
integrationen meetergo

Automatically sync all meeting details and follow-ups to your CRM instantly.

faster than manual
Routing Forms

Place dynamic content according to qualification

more conversions
Customer approach

Offer more bookings

Do not lose time
You can't waste time when prospects, customers and applicants express interest.
Do not miss opportunities
Avoid missed opportunities by automatically qualifying website visitors and directing them to specific team members.

Unique Features

Real time lead qualification
Qualify leads directly on your website and save precious time. This also ensures distribution to the right contact person.
Use your forms
Use your own forms or those of meetergo to qualify leads. Whether Gravity Forms or Pardot.
Configure your own branding
Customize meetergo to your company branding. Upload your logo and customize colors, styling and fonts.
Internal meeting handover
Easily delegate meetings to your available colleagues. If a team member is sick, his appointments can be distributed.
Automatic Follow Ups
Never forget to follow up a contact or schedule a follow-up meeting again. With meetergo, this happens automatically.
Real time lead routing
Depending on the qualification, your leads can be routed to the right person in your company.
Create surveys
Would you like to hold an appointment with several externals and find the perfect date? Then use our poll function.
Cancellation Flow
Find out why your meetings were canceled and improve the quality of your meetings.
Suggest dates
Suggest selected dates on which you can hold an appointment. By email as a button or link.

How does it work?

Connect your calendars
Connect up to six calendars so you don't have to worry about being double-booked.
kalender verbindungen
Customize your availability
Keep control of your calendar with detailed availability, planning rules, buffers and much more.
verfügbarkeit übersicht
Share your booking link
Easily book meetings by embedding meetergo anywhere on the website and adding available times to emails.
Automate communication
Automate routine communications before and after each meeting to save time.
erinnerungen und follow ups
Arrange meetings directly
Qualify, route and schedule meetings with the right person or resource using meetergo, Marketo or HubSpot forms.
routing mit funnel
Book outbound
Add times to emails and LinkedIn messages and embed meetergo in your email signature.
linkedin & email integration
Book inbound
Don't miss out on opportunities - book qualified meetings instantly from the website and match known leads with their account owners.
routing mit funnel
Schedule every meeting
Meet with leads 1:1 or together with your sales colleagues and simply conduct round robin discovery calls with other sellers.
round robin terminbuchung
Automate notifications
Send pre-meeting reminders to reduce non-shows and post-meeting follow-ups to drive deals forward.
erinnerungen und follow ups
Connect your tech stack
Update contacts and deals automatically to avoid administrative work and make decisions based on reliable data.
CRM sync
Schedule leads instantly
Never miss a lead handover - make sure every website lead is qualified and forwarded to the right seller.
routing mit funnel
Embed your booking page
Use meetergo as a CTA for your email marketing campaigns, display ads, landing pages and more.
embed buchungsmaske
Connect your tech stack
Integrate meetergo with existing tools to better track conversion metrics and prove marketing ROI.
CRM sync
Customize branding
Send leads to a customized landing page to prepare them for meetings.
meeting weiterleitung
Get better with analytics
Discover popular meeting times, top performers and in-demand appointment types to create the best experience for potential clients.
meeting analytik
Book customer meetings
Meet with customers 1:1 or together with your CS colleagues and simply distribute support calls to different employees.
round robin terminbuchung
Automate notifications
Send pre-meeting reminders to reduce non-attendees and post-meeting follow-ups to retain customers.
erinnerungen und follow ups
Simplify support
Create team pages for meetings at regular intervals so that customers can book the support they need.
meeting auswahlmaske
Connect your tech stack
Automatically update customer records to make decisions based on reliable data.
CRM sync
Get better with analytics
Discover popular meeting times, top performers and in-demand appointment types to create the best experience for potential clients.
meeting analytik
Coordinate every interview
Automate scheduling for any interview scenario, from simple phone screens to complex, multi-level panels.
round robin terminbuchung
Automate notifications
Reduce non-shows and keep applicants engaged with customizable email and SMS notifications.
erinnerungen und follow ups
Distribute meetings evenly
Manage interview attributes and preferences centrally to distribute the interview workload evenly across the teams.
meeting auswahlmaske
Analysis of scheduling
Improve processes with strong metrics such as time-to-schedule, rescheduled and cancelled meetings.
meeting analytik
Streamline scheduling
Integrate scheduling links on the school website, curriculum or email signature to make booking easier.
Control over the calendar
Customize your availability by limiting the number of daily meetings, blocking days or times and setting a minimum number of appointments.
verfügbarkeit übersicht
Reduce meeting no-shows
Send customized notifications via SMS or email to remind students of upcoming meetings and then contact them.
erinnerungen und follow ups
Connect faster
Schedule immediately from the website and direct students to the correct booking calendar using the information provided.
routing mit funnel
Increasing efficiency
Gather important information in advance of meetings so that you can use the time more effectively and efficiently.
meeting analytik

Why meetergo?

Unbeatable value for money.
Free for freelancers and entrepreneurs.
Included Features:
Online Scheduling
Lead Qualification & Routing
Digital Rooms
Digitale Business Card
Native Integrations
GDPR compliant & Cookie Free & DOI
Other Software
Example providers:
calendly logo doodle logo
acuity logo

Wir integrate with your favorite tools

See all integrations
meetergo Glossar
Lead Response Time
Measures the time from initial contact to follow-up of a lead.
Buyer Enablement
Supports the completion of critical activities required to make a purchase.
#1 Simply efficient
Talk to our sales team
You have questions or would like to know if meetergo is a fit for your company? Then talk to our sales team. We are happy to help you!

Communication has never been this easy

Connect with people effortlessly and quickly, while having all the relevant data at your fingertips.
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Try free now
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